Monty Haron Monty Haron

What Does A Marriage Celebrant Do?

There are many common misconceptions about civil marriage ceremonies and celebrants, largely based off American TV shows or movies, but fear not, as I’m about to myth-bust them all for you.

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Monty Haron Monty Haron

What Are The Different Types of Celebrants?

G’day lovers, I’m Monty from Holymatrimonty, and I’m here to help you understand the very confusing world of marriage ceremonies and celebrants within Australia and explain the vastly different options you have when choosing a celebrant.

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Monty Haron Monty Haron

How To Choose The Perfect Wedding Celebrant?

A celebrant can either make or break your ceremony, leaving guests bored and asleep or pumped up and ready to celebrate one of your biggest milestones yet. The tone and vibe of your entire wedding starts with the celebrant, so choosing someone that you connect with, and more importantly, one who will tell your story in a way that’s true to you, whilst engaging and entertaining your guests is an absolute must.

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